Why Normcore Should Be the Baseline of Your Style

Why Normcore Should Be the Baseline of Your Style

We all have our influences that we adopt consciously or subconsciously. Either we consume it through, music, film, or interpersonal relationships, but regardless of the source, we internalize it. It takes on an imperfect life inside our heads to form our preferences and desires.

To be sexy, mysterious, witty, and interesting, are all at the root of why we choose our individual style. We want to see ourselves in the outward vision of what we see in our heads. Everyday life and its influences are a huge part of that, and for that reason, it should be your foundation.

Layered shirts actually mean something. It’s a logical way of building dimension understatement pieces. It’s a last-minute option when you’ve got “nothing” to wear. You choose what is real by what materializes in your closet. Yes, a corset fits in your style and deserves a place in your closet because there are many ways to wear it. It does make sense over a T-shirt you own. It does make sense to wear it on a regular basis. We have made these pieces realistic for you to wear again and again.

The jeans you wear every day matter. Everybody owns a pair, but that does not dictate how we choose to wear them. They don’t have to be put in the casual category. We’ve created elegant cuts with sophisticated denim to transform your ideas around denim versatility. They are a staple. They are a statement piece.

A plain white shirt is a valid choice. You choose when it's appropriate to wear it, how to wear it, and what to wear it with. The shirt dress was created for that reason.

There’s beauty in building outfits with these elements in mind. From the start, it makes for cohesion and allows a natural flow of creativity. No more disjointed closets that are jammed full yet offer absolutely nothing to wear. A dress with no shoes to match, a last-minute crisis before work, and frustrating overhauls don't exist when you have a solid understanding of your style makeup. Be firmly rooted in what you wear every day. That’s the only way to make sense of your wardrobe. 

It’s nice to recognize yourself within your style choices and we’re here to explore the possibilities with you. We are here to consume and internalize just like you. It’s a symbiotic relationship that keeps going. We love that you found us and that we’re a part of your style bank. It’s exciting to think about ways we reignite past inspirations and build new ideas in our heads. 

Our studio is full of ideas and we can’t wait to share them with you.